Sixteen years ago, I published my first ever blogpost, entitled "BYOB – Bring Your Own Bag" following closely on the heels on my first published pattern. Then over the intervening years, I went on to publish more than 200 other blogposts and over 60 patterns & E-books – phew! Looking back through the blogposts now, I can see some have clearly stood the test of time and include valuable knitting notes and information. However, others could perhaps be classified more as "of the moment". Fun and newsy at the time, but perhaps not worth keeping long-term. So with our forthcoming move to the UK and a change of website host, I decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to take stock... review them all, amalgamate some & republish others. So please welcome my new "Knitting Notes" section! You will see quick links to some of the more popular posts on the right of this page, and an Index with summaries and links to all the Knitting Notes here. Please let me know if I have missed any of your favourite posts from my back catalogue and I will make sure to add them back in. With many thanks to you all for 16 years of reading! Moira Ravenscroft Wyndlestraw Designs, 21st June 2024 For information about any of the patterns featured here or our Reversible Knitting Stitches book, please click the Patterns tab above. For more blogposts & knitting notes please see the index list on the right of this page ----> First Knitting Notes post: Bags of Bags --->
Blogposts & Knitting NotesNotes, hints and tips you can use for all your knitting projects.
Click any of the links below for more information: Index
Click here for a full blogpost index Quick links:
Knitting Techniques: 1: Joining in Yarns 2: Using doubled yarns – Seeing Double Series 3: Working Yarn-Overs 4: Hand-Dyeing Yarns 5: Blending colours 6: Reversible colours Scarves: 1: How long shall I make this scarf? 2: How much yarn do I need for a scarf? 3: The Four-Way Wrap 4: Using reversible stitches for scarves 5: Mœbius Scarves 6: Lengthwise Scarves Bags: 1: Bags of Bags! 2: Fibonacci stripes 3: Market Bag Knit-along 4: Adding a Fabric Liner Useful size guides: 1. Blanket sizes 2. Rug sizes 3: Cushion ideas & sizes Other fun posts: 1. Filling a hot water bottle 2. No time to knit a scarf 3. Second-Sock Syndrome Blogpost Index: here. Archive listing: see below More InformationPlease contact me if you have any queries.
For more informaation about our Reversible Knitting Stitches book, please click here.
◌ Reversible Colours ◌ A new website and a new scarf ◌ Knitting a lengthwise scarf 2021: ... Seeing Double Series: ◌ #1: Knitting with two ends of yarn ◌ #2: Using two ends of yarn for added warmth ◌ #3: It's good to have options ◌ #4: Blending colours with doubled yarns ◌ #5: Mixing it up ◌ #6: Mix n' Match sets ◌ #7: Tips and techniques for working with doubled yarns 2019: ◌ Slip those stitches! ◌ Are you using the right needle? ◌ Straightening crinkly yarn ◌ Add a twist to your knitting ◌ How much yarn do I need for a scarf? 2018: ◌ Sorting the Second-Sock Syndrome 2016: ... Colour Futures Series: ◌ #1: Without the ocean ◌ #2: The future of colour ◌ #3: Tranquility, Strength & Optimism ◌ #4: In the pink ◌ #5: The future looks bright ◌ Reversible Knitting Stitches – A different kind of stitch book ◌ Let's (half) twist again 2015: ◌ A cushion for every season ◌ How long can you wait? ◌ How to fill a hot water bottle ◌ A rug for every room ◌ So it begins ◌ No time to knit him a scarf ◌ A new knot for your tie 2014: ... Summer Knitting Series: ◌ #1: Summer knitting starts here ◌ #2: Dyeing in the kitchen ◌ #3: Why stop at one? ◌ #4: The murmur of a cool stream ◌ #5: Yarn Overs I have known ◌ #6: Planning ahead ◌ #7: Blanket coverage 2013: ... Market Bag Knit-along: ◌ #1: Pre-washing yarns ◌ #2: Yarns & Gauge ◌ #3: Provisional Cast-Ons ◌ #4: Stitches & Selvedges ◌ #5: Picking up stitches ◌ #6: The Two-row SSK ◌ #7: Handles & Finishing ◌ #8: Adding a fabric lining to your bag ◌ How long shall I make this scarf? ◌ At the end of a row ◌ The Four-Way Wrap 2012: ◌ Either way up – Using reversible stitches for scarves ◌ Reversible stripes 2009: ◌ Spiralling away 2008: ◌ 16 years of blogposts! ◌ Bags of Bags! ◌ Fibonacci stripes |