Autumn just wouldn't be the same without a visit to the Knitting and Stitching Show in "Allie Pallie" (Alexandra Palace in London). The show has its own special character, with three halls overflowing with display booths, shops, classes, and student shows. Every year there is also a special event such as a quilting display or a Japanese knitting exhibition which is always magical. I returned back home filled with ideas and renewed enthusiasm and within a few hours had ordered a whole boxful of yarns! There was a beautiful cream colour merino yarn, two different blues and a wonderful combination of rich chocolate brown and russet. So I started playing with the yarn and discovered that it worked beautifully with one of my favourite stitches in our book, Reversible Knitting Stitches. The stitch is called Roman Stripe Lace which is a lovely pattern even when worked in a single colour, as can be seen in the cream scarf shown above. However it really comes into its own when two different coloured yarns are used. Usually a stripe will look good when seen from the right side, but turn it over and there is a little line of two-colour "purl bumps" which mar the wrong side. You can try to ignore them or even embrace them and make part of your design, but they are almost always there. But here..... Ta-Da! No bi-colour purls. No off-colour lines at the transition points. In fact it is really hard to see which is the right side and which the wrong side. It really is quite intriguing from that point of view and I can see why it is such a popular stitch. It is hard to find a reversible lace stitch, but even harder to find one which has such a beautiful colour transition as this. So please do look out for this stitch pattern in our Reversible Knitting Stitches book and try it for yourself. It isn't the simplest of stitches, but is well worth the effort to master. The scarves shown here are the Chalfont Scarves, and if you would like more details about these then please click here. And if you have enjoyed this brief exploration into using colour with reversible stitches, then please also read my post here where I extoll the virtues of colourful reversible stitches further! For information about any of the patterns featured here or our Reversible Knitting Stitches book, please click the Patterns tab above. For more blogposts & knitting notes please see the index list on the right of this page ----> <--- Previous Post: Either way up – Using reversible stitches for scarves Next Up: Market Bag Knit-Along #1 - Pre-washing yarns --->
Blogposts & Knitting NotesNotes, hints and tips you can use for all your knitting projects.
Click any of the links below for more information: Index
Click here for a full blogpost index Quick links:
Knitting Techniques: 1: Joining in Yarns 2: Using doubled yarns – Seeing Double Series 3: Working Yarn-Overs 4: Hand-Dyeing Yarns 5: Blending colours 6: Reversible colours Scarves: 1: How long shall I make this scarf? 2: How much yarn do I need for a scarf? 3: The Four-Way Wrap 4: Using reversible stitches for scarves 5: Mœbius Scarves 6: Lengthwise Scarves Bags: 1: Bags of Bags! 2: Fibonacci stripes 3: Market Bag Knit-along 4: Adding a Fabric Liner Useful size guides: 1. Blanket sizes 2. Rug sizes 3: Cushion ideas & sizes Other fun posts: 1. Filling a hot water bottle 2. No time to knit a scarf 3. Second-Sock Syndrome Blogpost Index: here. Archive listing: see below More InformationPlease contact me if you have any queries.
For more informaation about our Reversible Knitting Stitches book, please click here.
◌ Reversible Colours ◌ A new website and a new scarf ◌ Knitting a lengthwise scarf 2021: ... Seeing Double Series: ◌ #1: Knitting with two ends of yarn ◌ #2: Using two ends of yarn for added warmth ◌ #3: It's good to have options ◌ #4: Blending colours with doubled yarns ◌ #5: Mixing it up ◌ #6: Mix n' Match sets ◌ #7: Tips and techniques for working with doubled yarns 2019: ◌ Slip those stitches! ◌ Are you using the right needle? ◌ Straightening crinkly yarn ◌ Add a twist to your knitting ◌ How much yarn do I need for a scarf? 2018: ◌ Sorting the Second-Sock Syndrome 2016: ... Colour Futures Series: ◌ #1: Without the ocean ◌ #2: The future of colour ◌ #3: Tranquility, Strength & Optimism ◌ #4: In the pink ◌ #5: The future looks bright ◌ Reversible Knitting Stitches – A different kind of stitch book ◌ Let's (half) twist again 2015: ◌ A cushion for every season ◌ How long can you wait? ◌ How to fill a hot water bottle ◌ A rug for every room ◌ So it begins ◌ No time to knit him a scarf ◌ A new knot for your tie 2014: ... Summer Knitting Series: ◌ #1: Summer knitting starts here ◌ #2: Dyeing in the kitchen ◌ #3: Why stop at one? ◌ #4: The murmur of a cool stream ◌ #5: Yarn Overs I have known ◌ #6: Planning ahead ◌ #7: Blanket coverage 2013: ... Market Bag Knit-along: ◌ #1: Pre-washing yarns ◌ #2: Yarns & Gauge ◌ #3: Provisional Cast-Ons ◌ #4: Stitches & Selvedges ◌ #5: Picking up stitches ◌ #6: The Two-row SSK ◌ #7: Handles & Finishing ◌ #8: Adding a fabric lining to your bag ◌ How long shall I make this scarf? ◌ At the end of a row ◌ The Four-Way Wrap 2012: ◌ Either way up – Using reversible stitches for scarves ◌ Reversible stripes 2009: ◌ Spiralling away 2008: ◌ 16 years of blogposts! ◌ Bags of Bags! ◌ Fibonacci stripes |